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Happy living


老鼠 posted @ 2009年3月15日 06:14 in 生活琐碎 , 2083 阅读




每天午饭时间你花掉1小时,又用掉46天,还有18天; 通常你每年请2天病假,这样你的工作时间只有16天;

每年有5个节假日公司休息不上班,你只干11天。 每年公司还慷慨地给你10天假期,算下来你就工作1天,而你他*的还要请这一天假

SBI Credit Card Logi 说:
2023年1月27日 14:33

We will lead you through the steps necessary to register your SBI credit card with an SBI card online account, which you will be able to access using a user id and password that we will also learn about in this session. SBI Credit Card Login So, basically, you will understand how to create your account, obtain your login credentials, and then bring you through the process of learning how to connect to the SBI card platform, as well as how to retrieve your user id and reset your password.

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